Ready at a moment’s notice

News & media

Patrick is media trained and available as an “ask an expert” contributor for television, radio, and print on short notice, weighing in from wherever he is in the world to explain the factors that may have contributed to a disaster, what happened, and most importantly – what people should do now.

For media inquiries, contact→

Recent appearances →

Disasters don’t have business hours. 

What do you need?

On-air guest

Patrick is media-trained, telegenic and photogenic, and knows how to capture attention when that “on air” indicator lights up. He shows up on time and is always ready to roll, with or without time to prepare. Patrick has studio-quality equipment for virtual appearances.

TV | radio | Zoom calls | social media live | YouTube | podcasts

Article contributor / guest writer

Patrick has written for a cornucopia of journals and provides interesting, innovative, and adaptable content across an astounding range of subject matter, from the implications of AI on disaster preparedness to disaster planning for the National Pigeon Society (yes, real request). Have a deadline? Name it and he’ll deliver on schedule.

expert quotes

Looking to amp up your piece with expert insights on anything disaster-related (hurricanes, plane crashes, etc.)? Fill in the gaps, meet your deadlines, and give your readers nuggets chock-full of actionable advice and first-hand stories from Patrick’s unique & varied career and expert point of view.

Three ways to get in touch: 

  1. Call Patrick: 225-361-3402

  2. Email Patrick:

  3. Use the contact form below

For any request, be sure to provide your deadline date & time.

Your go-to disaster expert

In the aftermath of a disaster, media outlets are often left to help people make sense out of what just happened. And when a disaster does strike, you want to be the channel people turn to. Put Patrick Hardy on speed dial for immediate answers when things take a turn for the worst.

How can Patrick support your story?

  • Disaster analysis that breaks down the incident, contributing factors, and complications with seasoned insights and an in-command presence.

  • Recovery advice that highlights practical, actionable tips people can focus on in the aftermath and beyond. Patrick’s goal is for people to not just recover, but to become stronger and more resilient after a disaster.

  • Preparedness tips to keep people from becoming victims, reducing the burden on first responders, helplines, and emergency assistance programs when it’s most critical.

  • Expert quotes for your story that are chock-full of actionable advice to help people stay focused in chaos.

  • Empowering perspectives that shake people out of the tendency to adopt a victim or bystander mindset during a disaster and get them thinking about how the experience can make them stronger and more resilient.


Use the form below or email 


Need a last-second expert? 

Scrambling to react to a live disaster?

Ready to submit your article but can’t track down an expert quote?

Did a disaster just wipe out your usual resource’s equipment?

Summon Patrick Hardy – he can be on-air in T-30 minutes, and turn around a quote, story, or segment in hours or less. 

Patrick is your go-to disaster guy & a media team’s dream:

National award-winning extemporaneous speaker

Strong writer, adaptable and highly quotable

Media trained & has professional gear

No doom and gloom!

Recent appearances & features: